Helpful Definitions for "Cousins" and "Removed" Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In meeting many distant relatives over the past year ... there are a few terms that are still a bit confusing! I continue to use the relationship calculator in my family tree database software for confirmation. I have yet to meet anyone who was beyond a 4th cousin relationship ... maybe I'll get lucky in 2009! This may be partly because for most of my family tree branches, I only know the names of my 3rd great-grand parents right now and none beyond that.

The definition of cousins

Two people who share at least one common ancestor older than your parents. Because you only need to share one common ancestor, there is no official term "half cousin"

  • Your 1st cousins share at least one grand parent with you
  • Your 2nd cousins share at least one great-grand parent with you
  • ..... 3rd cousins ............. one great-great-grand parent .....
  • ..... 4th cousins ........... one GGG-grand parent

The definition of removed

Two people who are cousins but are in different generations with respect to the common ancestor

  • Your 1st cousin's child is your "1st cousin once removed"
  • Your 1st cousin's grand child is your "1st cousin twice removed"
Then there are the people who are "in-laws" ... no blood relationship, just related by marriage.
